Welcome to the
ILSSE website!

ILSSE stands for “Israel-Lower Saxony Scholar Exchange” and is the only program of its kind dedicated to promoting academic cooperation between a German federal state and Israel and the Palestinian territories.

ILSSE is supported by the Lower Saxony Ministry of Science and Culture, as well as by donations from leading companies in Lower Saxony, the Jewish Community Association in Lower Saxony, and the Leibniz Universitätsgesellschaft e.V.

Every year, we facilitate students, scholars, researchers and academics from Lower Saxony and Israel/Palestinian territories in undertaking short visits at one of the participating institutions in the partner country.

The aim of these travel grants is to strengthen academic cooperation between the two regions, promote mutual learning and curiosity-driven research, and foster cultural openness.

Travel grants are awarded for short visits for the purpose of conducting research, establishing an academic network, and/or starting a bilateral collaboration.

A limited number of grants are also reserved for visiting start-up companies in the host country. Employees from start-up companies can also attend university partners in the host country.

The involvement of a partner from a university must be clearly stated in the application.

Check out the available grants and bursaries here and see if you are eligible for an ILSSE grant?

Student exchange grant

This bursary is intended to support students
more informations

PostDoc exchange grant

This travel grant is intended for postgraduate researchers
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Travel grant for conferences and networks

This fellowship is intended for postgraduate researchers and doctoral students
more informations

Collaboration kick-off grant

This grant is intended to provide seed funding for the establishment of a bilateral collaboration
more informations
How to apply?

We have kept the application process intentionally straightforward and simple. We do not use standardized application forms; applicants are asked to submit pdf documents, including your host’s invitation or a short description of the planned research work (see Grant requirements).

All application documents can be submitted though our online portal.